The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining. —John F. Kennedy (Location 312)
Medicine 3.0, in my opinion, is not really about technology; rather, it requires an evolution in our mindset, (Location 494)
Medicine 3.0 places a far greater emphasis on prevention than treatment. (Location 496)
Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat. —Sun Tzu (Location 586)
Someone who drops dead of a heart attack did not just get sick an hour earlier. (Location 702)
Lifespan deals with death, which is binary: you’re alive, and then you’re dead. It’s final. But before that happens, sometimes long before, most people suffer through a period of decline that, I would argue, is like dying in slow motion. (Location 719)
imagine living your life without the ability to feed or bathe yourself or walk a few blocks to meet friends for coffee. We take these for granted now, but to continue to live actively as we age, retaining even these minimal abilities, requires us to begin building a foundation of fitness and to maintain it diligently. (Location 743)
“The Older You Get, the Healthier You Have Been.” (Location 999)
after the age of reproduction, natural selection loses much of its force. (Location 1031)
Reducing the amount of nutrients available to a cell seems to trigger a group of innate pathways that enhance the cell’s stress resistance and metabolic efficiency—all (Location 1276)